Reading From Scriptures

The energy body hidden beneath my skin takes form.
The energy body hidden beneath my skin takes form.

Peeling the skin of a man open like a banana.

The place where lies the creations of my imagination became Reality.

“If the skies were to open up”… I kept repeating over and over…

“It would be You and God and Your memories… Nothing else would Matter.”

I could hear my brothers & sisters calling to me from behind this unseen glass.

Fields of flowers with their colors melting into the skin of the Earth.

There was something familiar about that place…

Like i had only forgotten it to Time’s elongated face…

Chains of thoughts were made from the wildest, unexpected, memory connections,

I followed them, a flowing River into the Speckles of color on Canvas gone grey.

Sinking into the Earth behind me, my body felt like meat or dead weight, Rocky, Relaxed.

I prayed for them to let me Remember him… I was in fear of their mystical Powers.

What were they capable of? How many times had i been here? When would i Live there again?

My awareness floated throughout the transparent World behind my room…

I swam through my thoughts and emotions, Reading from Scriptures of cities lost and new.

Upon my path I stumbled forward. The skies were open. “Only God & You… God & You.”

-Cristoff McGroff-

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