DMT: First Encounters

Dimethyltryptamine, Proof that this Place is Made of Magic.
Dimethyltryptamine, Proof that this Place is Made of Magic.

Proof this World is Made of Magic

The first hit was just a mild form of déjà vu where I was reliving that exact moment over and over and over with this waterfall of molecules rushing into my brain from my spine as this low and yet high pitched buzzing encompassed my audial perception while the room got infinitely smaller and kind of morphed into spinning geometrical shapes that I could barely comprehend.

Then I went out onto our second story balcony with a friend, I could barely see in the darkness of the full moon behind the railing shadowing the bong, but my last memory was of my friend shining the light of his phone on it as I inhaled and saying, “be careful dude, you don’t want to go too far!” And instantly I knew what I had done. I shattered my human existence and broke through time. The real déjà vu hit me, moments in repetition, I could see the objects, the blocks of visual reality glimmering and coming to life in sliced slow motion as they came alive, I had slowed myself down to the point that a single second was a near eternity, they kept reforming themselves into the shapes of my friend and the room around us. Like the inside of a giant super computer they were intelligent metallic shapes that had life, I could view myself and them from every angle of that space we inhabited. I could not believe my eyes. My mind was nowhere to be found and i was under the belief that when I smoked that giant hit, my friend’s reality was stemming from my mind and that he was experiencing this event the same way I was experiencing it. I believed we were both of the understanding that I myself was the dreamer of this entire “reality” that I thought myself into as this character Named Christopher Reed and that I was waking up into the greater reality which was also just another dream.

I felt so pure, yet so fearful that I would never be back to the mundane daily routines of human life with my family, that I’d already begun to miss how boring it was in that house sometimes and that I’d never have the chance to go back to it now that it had faded with my waking dream. I believed my friend was sad at realizing he was just a figment of my own imagination and that the life he thought he owned was only a projection of myself as another person inside my mind to keep my lonesome consciousness entertained with a tiny trick it played on itself. I was lost in shapes and motionless patterns, but I came back.

I sat there the rest of the night wondering how that place can exist in my mind and how this place I normally consider reality can exist at the same time when they are so different, two sides of the same coin. I haven’t been back to that place in about a year now and looking back on it I know that Terence McKenna was right in saying that “when you’re ready someone in your reality will bring this magic powder into your magic room and they will fill up your magic pipe and you will smoke this magic substance that makes you wake up for a single moment to remember just how infinite and complex this state of being truly is. ” … or something to that extent.

Someday you will wake up, and you will have a hard time believing that all of this this was only a dream.


One thought on “DMT: First Encounters”

  1. Great write up, it jogged my memory and there are some similarities to my DMT trip. The Deja Vu feeling, the buzzing sound and the cube world I experienced those as well. I missed my body/physical reality too. In the Seth Material, it states reality is composed of “Consciousness Units” which would be the self-aware blocks. Seth also states that if there are 5 people in a room looking at a table, that each person creates their own table as their own personal projection. This would apply to people as well.

    The catch is it’s a consensus mass reality projection. Meaning your friend is a construct of your mind as you see him, but that you also are a construct of his mind from his point of view and you “agree” on what each other should look like. Overlapping realities as it were.

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